The latest Sci-Hub working domain(Last check time:2023-11-03 01:25:02)

This page is to collect the new alternative domain of sci-hub which is refreshed every 5 minutes.
The latest Sci-Hub working domain(Last check time:Thu, 02 Nov 2023 17:25:02 GMT) 0.04s 0.1s 0.1s 0.13s 0.15s 0.17s 0.42s 1.05s

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1,686 thoughts on “The latest Sci-Hub working domain(Last check time:2023-11-03 01:25:02)”

  1. Can anyone be kind to tell me if inserting “” in sci-hub it refers to a blank page? (for me is always like that)


    1. Give me the link of the article you’re trying to access. I’m able to open the pdf’s on that website !


      1. Thank’s Aku for your time!

        The three articles are these:

        So you can confirm me that is actually impossible for everyone who hasn’t a subscription (unfortunately my university has only one for the past numbers, with the exclusion of those of the last three years!) to have access to kluwerlawonline,com journal’s through sci-hub? (a few months ago it was still almost always possible to do it). I hope sci-hub wll find a solution to this, rather than always disturbing you!

        Thanks in advance!


            1. You’re welcome! Thanks for your message 🙂
              Yes, crazy prices, first I thought it was for an entire issue with many different papers, but actually not!


  2. I just tried out Firefox Send:
    It works really well to share pdf files or any files up to 2.5 GB with a link that can be set to expire after 100 downloads or after 7 days, once you log in with your Firefox (Sync) Account.
    It may be useful here to share papers or data, and it’s great it doesn’t require a Captcha test before uploading or downloading 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s €4 to buy this paper, but I got it free through my university login:

      Click to access la-place-des-parents-dans-la-therapie-familiale-des-enfants-et-adolescents-souffrant-de-tca-un-equilibre-difficile-a-trouver-solange-cook-darzens.pdf

      If only there was a way for me to set up an online tip system so I could get back some money for all the papers I post here. I still have to pay college fees!
      Please save this pdf and share with your classmates, professors etc 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I was not able to get the pdf 😦
      It shows it’s Restricted Access and you need a subscription number and password to get the pdf.


  3. Hi! I can open page in México but I can’t get pdf because of 504 gateway error

    Any sci-hub working link?


    1. You said Argentina in your previous post !
      You could try the .se and .fun domains to see if they work for you.


    1. I tried DuckDuckGo, Google and through my university’s Google Scholar page.
      I was not able to find the pdf of this paper! 😦


      1. Cool, nice to see you used DocDroid !
        Interestingly, Wikipedia no longer allows linking to DocDroid for PDFs of research papers!


  4. The following Sci-Hub links open fine for me:
    I keep it bookmarked/saved in my bookmarks toolbar and edit the bookmark URL if one of the above links doesn’t open or opens slowly.
    Anyone reading this should also bookmark Sci-Hub so it opens with one click.
    The nice thing about Firefox is it has a Keyword section in a bookmark’s properties, so I keep a note of all the working domains there. Right now I have the .se link bookmarked and my Keyword box has .se, .tw and .fun saved as a note.
    Chrome doesn’t have this Keyword option for bookmarks.
    And personally I find the Firefox pdf viewer better than in Chrome.


      1. Phthalocyanine-based coordination polymer nanoparticles for enhanced photodynamic therapy.can you help me with it ,my email


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